15 February 2024

The Allan Labor Government is delivering vital upgrades to medical equipment at East Grampians Health Service - continuing to provide families in the Grampians with access to world class healthcare.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas today announced more than $2.8 million has been awarded to East Grampians Health Service through the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF) for lifesaving medical equipment and upgraded facilities.

The two projects funded included an upgrade for the practical teaching laboratory, and a new CT scanner which will replace outdated equipment.

As a teaching hospital for university students, a new practical laboratory will deliver a larger simulation and skills development space and will help improve access and opportunities for medical and nursing students at the health service.

The new Computed Tomography (CT) equipment will be safer and more efficient for staff and patients and will reduce the chance of scans being cancelled or the need for maintenance and repairs due to the equipment being outdated.

With rising demand for healthcare services in Ararat and the wider region, fewer cancelled procedures means more locals can get the treatment they need closer to home.

CT scans are crucial diagnostic tools used in a range of urgent, potentially fatal conditions, such as stroke, cancer, preparation for abdominal surgeries, fractures, and more.

This latest funding builds on other recent RHIF investments at East Grampians Health Service, including a $4 million upgrade of the hospital’s pathology and radiology services and completion of a $1.2 million imaging department and relocation of palliative care.

Across Victoria the latest round of RHIF grants is supporting rural and regional hospitals, community health services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to ensure they can continue to provide safe and efficient care to local communities.

With 45 projects across 39 rural and regional health services, the program is ensuring communities continue to have access to high quality care, no matter where they live, while also supporting hundreds of jobs across the state.

Established by the Labor Government in 2016 and overseen by the Victorian Health Building Authority, the RHIF program is now worth $790 million, making it the largest ever dedicated grants program in Victoria’s history. To date, it has delivered more than 675 projects funded for regional health services.

More information on RHIF can be found at

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas

“The new state-of-the-art CT machine will help get more locals the important care they need, while the upgraded practice laboratory will help our medical students improve their skills - all locally here in Ararat.”

Quote attributable to Member for Ripon Martha Haylett

The new equipment and upgrades will help ensure the Ararat community and surrounding areas do not have to venture far from home and loved ones to access the world class healthcare they need and deserve.”