Adjournment - Flood recovery initiatives

08 March 2023

Martha HAYLETT (Ripon) (19:20): (90)

My adjournment matter is for the attention of the Minister for Emergency Services in the other place. The action I seek is that the minister provides me with an update on the Andrews Labor government’s flood recovery and mitigation efforts in my electorate, including how many residents have accessed the emergency relief payment, rural landholder grants and business and community sport flood recovery grants since the October floods.

I recently revisited the flood-affected communities of Newbridge, Avoca, Carisbrook and Lexton. In Newbridge the recreation reserve committee is continuing with the clean-up effort after floods inundated their football netball clubs in October.

In Avoca the football–netball clubs and men’s sheds were also badly damaged, along with many homes. The Carisbrook CFA came to the rescue of many locals when the town had to be evacuated in October. And the Lexton community is in discussions with the Pyrenees shire’s brand new flood recovery team about the need for clean-up along Burnbank Creek to avoid further flooding in future.

I welcome an update from the minister on how our government is supporting these communities through recovery and what steps we are taking to mitigate future floods.