Constituency Question - V/Line fares

23 March 2023

Martha HAYLETT (Ripon) (14:32): (103)

My constituency question is for the Minister for Public Transport. Cheaper V/Line fares are due to come into effect from 31 March, eight days from now.

This means V/Line fares will be on par with metro Melbourne, where fares are currently $9.20 a day or $4.60 for concession holders. It will drive up tourism to regional communities and make it even more attractive to visit towns in my electorate of Ripon like Beaufort, Ararat, Maryborough, Talbot, Creswick and Clunes. It will also mean rural and regional Victorians have better access to work and study opportunities.

A day fare will now cost the same for families travelling by public transport on the Ararat and Maryborough line as it will for travelers in Melbourne, which is only fair.

The information that I seek from the minister relates to the impact on concession card holders. Can the minister advise me how many concession card holders in my electorate will now only pay $4.60 for each return trip from 31 March?